Social Skills Group (Friendship Club)

Friendship Club, named by our learners  is a Social Skills Group ranging from Early, Intermediate to Advance level, across preschool to upper elementary age. All groups run on a continuous rolling basis to ensure ongoing and consistent learning environment for all children. Curriculums are developed using the latest assessment tools and research to determine your child’s needs.

How We Teach

Aspiration employed a unique teaching philosophy in social skills training, our social training focus on social competencies rather than social skills. It is important for a child to understand why and what means “social”, then how to “social”.

  1. Develop the child’s natural interest to socialize
  2. Develop the ability to use learned skills with peers
  3. Avoid rote learning of social rules

Social Skill groups run from 2.5 hours to 3 hours in duration, depending on the needs of students and size of the group. Every effort is made to match a child’s needs and skill level to similar-matched peers. Friends, siblings and peers are encouraged to enhance peer modeling and prompting during sessions. 

What We Teach

Teaching sessions are arranged in a small group format, involving fun, play, and classroom activities, with each child working towards individual social skills goals, including:

  • Classroom readiness skills
  • Language
  • Social communication
  • Attending and social referencing
  • Play skills
  • Cognitive functioning
  • Adaptive and self-help skills
  • Reduction of inappropriate social behaviours
  • Self-advocacy and independence
  • Coping and tolerance skill
  • Self-regulation
  • Community participation
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